
As First Baptist Student Ministry, our goal is to “[stand] firm in one spirit, with one mind, striving side by side for the faith of the gospel” (Philippians 1:27). With this goal in mind, we want to intentionally unite ourselves to our church body. We also believe that while student ministry is important, the overall life of the church should flow from the gathering of believers of all ages on Sunday mornings to give praise to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Church-wide, as we look to glorify God by making disciples who make disciples, we desire for our students to do the same, taking hold of the truth of the Gospel for themselves, then going forth to tell others the Good News. So many people are broken and hurting with no solution in sight. Anger, depression, hopelessness, and many other feelings cripple us. We can try to suppress these things, but that doesn’t change the overwhelming reality of our condition as sinful and mortal human beings. However, amid the stresses of this unpredictable life, we know one thing for sure. “For God so loved he world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Our answer is Jesus. The only one who can trade our sin for his righteousness and make us brand new. May that truth resonate in the hearts, minds, and lives of First Baptist Student Ministry.

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Ages Birth to 2.5

We know that leaving your baby/toddler for the first time can be an overwhelming experience. Please know that we consider the nursery to be a vital part of our church and Children’s Ministry programming. While in our care your child will be lovingly cared for by one of our conscientious ministry partners. In order to provide the best possible experience, please leave any special instructions regarding napping and feeding schedules with one of our ministry partners as well as bring any diapers, bottles, pacifiers or other soothing items for your child. Your child’s belongings will be placed in a cubby and you will receive a pager in case we need to contact you during the service.  The nursery is available during the 9:00 am Growth Hour and 10:30 Worship Service.

Ages 2.5 through Pre-K

In our preschool program we have the opportunity and privilege of partnering with you to introduce your preschooler to God and His Word in fun and creative ways.   Preschoolers are naturally curious and love to explore and ask questions. Your child will be well cared for by our team of dedicated men and women who love preschoolers and desire to partner with you to make early faith impressions on the minds of your young learners.  Your child’s morning will include a dynamic Bible lesson from the Gospel Project curriculum, craft/activities, music, prayer, and snack.  Preschool is available during the 9:00 am Growth Hour and 10:30 Worship Service.

K-5th Grade

The quality of programming continues in the lower floor of the church, which has been transformed into a medieval castle, and houses our K-5th grade programming.  Broken down into age specific classrooms and headed by an outstanding bunch of faithful ministry partners, children come to enjoy a time of building relationships with each other as they learn more about and grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus Christ.  The K-5th grade programming uses the Gospel Project curriculum and features a large group/small group format in which children spend time in the gym for announcements, worship, games, Bible memory and extras and then in their classrooms for small group time where their ministry partners share a dynamic action-packed lesson with them.  This programming is offered during the 9:00am Growth Hour only.  Children in K-5th grade are encouraged to sit with their families during the main worship service.

Faith at Home

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At First Baptist, we strive to provide a meaningful experience for your child and place a high priority on their safety while in our care.  Our ministry partners have passed the required Act 33 & 34 background checks and are a part of the Children’s Ministry team due to their love of children and their families.  We also have a secure check-in procedure in which upon your arrival your child will be given a tag and you will be given a corresponding security tag in order to pick them up.  You may check-in at stations on both levels of the building.

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The transition into higher education or the workforce is both exciting and challenging. For some it is the first time away from home and for others it is the first time experiencing the grind of a full-time job. Through the excitement and challenges it is easy to forget the importance of participation in the life of the local church. At FBC we believe the faith of college and career young adults is best cultivated through participation in the life of entire congregation. We encourage young men and women to attend worship, participate in growth hour, and any FBC ministry event.

Each Sunday following worship there is an informal lunch gathering at a member’s home or in our student ministry center. There is no need to sign up. Just show up hungry.


Paul, the apostle, wrote to the church at Colossae, “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ” (Col. 1:28). At First Baptist Church, we proclaim Christ and desire to see all people who walk through our doors be presented mature in Christ. The good news of the gospel has made those who have repented and believed on the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins into new creations and set us free to walk in newness of life. It is the greatest of joys to walk in this newness of life as we pursue maturity in Christ. To that end FBC adult ministries provides these opportunities for growth.

Adult Ministry

Growth Hour: Sunday Morning Electives Fall 2021/Spring 2022 9:00 A.M.

            The Story of Jesus

            The Passion of Jesus

            The Church of Jesus

Tiny Groups

One To One Bible Reading

Women’s Bible Study

Tuesday’s Fall 2021 1:30 p.m. & 6:30 p.m. “God of the Covenant” by Jen Wilkin

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As First Baptist Student Ministry our goal is to “[stand] firm in one spirit, with one mind, striving side by side for the faith of the gospel” (Philippians 1:27).
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At First Baptist Children’s Ministry we desire to help you as a parent embrace your God-given roles as the primary spiritual influencers of your child(ren) as described in Deuteronomy 6:7-11. As you lay a spiritual foundation for your children, we desire to partner with you to be a complimentary voice pointing your child(ren) towards a vibrant, growing, relationship with Jesus Christ.
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As First Baptist Church College Ministry we believe the faith of college and career young adults is best cultivated through participation in the life of entire congregation.
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As First Baptist Church Adult Ministry we proclaim Christ and desire to see all people who walk through our doors be presented mature in Christ.
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